2-minute tip #1: Joining the conversation
This two-minute tip looks at how writing is about contributing to a field. You have to read what has come before us before you can make a contribution.
This two-minute tip looks at how writing is about contributing to a field. You have to read what has come before us before you can make a contribution.
Undergraduate students often are simply expected to show they have understood what they have read. But at postgraduate level, you have to make your readings work for you.
This two-minute tip looks at how we can draw from the literature as a direct quote or change it into our own words. But which is better?
This resource consists of a short video in which postgraduates and supervisors answer five questions about the use of an MoU, and a template document of an MoU that can be adapted to suit individual contexts.
This interactive map provides extensive information on every stage of the research journey. Click your way around and find answers to common questions.
Clickable PowerPoint map
Postgraduate scholars discuss issues you should consider before you register.
Video: 9 minutes
Ethical considerations around the need for mutually respectful and beneficial engagement are discussed by reflecting on a case study by History PG scholars working with a variety of community members.
Video: 8 minutes
Planning for a career after postgraduate studies cannot wait until graduation. This short video discusses some of the ways in which PG scholars can plan for their future.
Video: 4 minutes
This series of videos emerges from the Enhancing Quality Postgraduate Education project, which brings together Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Directors of Research
Video: 4 minutes
This video takes you through some of the considerations you need to bear in mind when choosing a journal for your academic publication.
Video: 5 minutes
This video looks at alternatives to the one-on-one supervision model. Three supervisors discuss the benefits of PG programmes.
Video: 6 minutes
This video looks at what ‘argument’ means in academic writing and how you can develop one.
Video: 4 minutes
Advancement of research and innovations capacity is a basis upon which, sustainable socio-technological developments can be built. Increasing the number of doctoral graduates can improve this potential.
New information suggests that many students delay pursuing post graduate studies, due to lack of related insight on what is possible. This video captures plight of affected students, and offers illustrative guidance on key considerations.
Balancing work, families and studies is difficult. This short video helps young academics with this juggling act.
Video: 4 minutes
Most discussions about ethics focus on the research design, but this short video by a very experienced supervisor looks at ethical matters within the supervisory relationship itself.
Video: 6 minutes
Starting postgraduate studies can be daunting. This video looks at issues to take into account when selecting where and with whom to register.
Video: 6 minutes
Giving feedback on student writing is crucial in assisting them to develop academic writing practices, to find an authorial voice and to ensure a coherent argument. But many supervisors battle with how to do this.
Video: 6 minutes
This screencast explains the role of headings in a postgraduate thesis, or extended length text, and shows viewers setp-by-step how to assign headings levels, and use these to create an automatic table of contents.
This screencast explains the role of setting up a page layout template, and creating page and section breaks, in a postgraduate thesis, or extended length text. It then shows viewers step-by-step how to set up a template for a page layout, and how to assign page and section breaks.
Getting feedback from your supervisor that can help you to progress can be a challenge. This video offers some advice on how to get the feedback you need and how to use it constructively.
Video: 5 minutes
Students and supervisors often have to develop the practice of writing grant proposals. This video provides a few ‘do and don’t’ tips
Video: 5 minutes
Besides supporting and guiding the postgraduate student to completion, a supervisor has additional roles that they need to fulfil within the institution. This video elaborates on serving on Higher Degrees Committees as well as acting as an examiner.
This short video looks at how we draw on different texts to make an argument, much as we might follow a recipe and then add a special twist of our own when cooking.
Video: 5 minutes
Prospective postgraduate students often send emails to supervisors along the lines of “Hey Prof, I wanna do a PhD”. This video suggests a more professional approach
Video: 3 minutes
Students are often told that we reference to avoid plagiarism. They are also told that if they plagiarise, they can be excluded from the university.
Video: 6 minutes
Written questionnaires can be useful ways of collecting information from a large group of people but they are often poorly designed.
This narrated PowerPoint presentation discusses 3 different, widely used tools or strategies to help busy postgraduate students make and keep regular commitments to writing and reading.
This video draws on supervisors and PhD scholars to reflect on how one should undertake interviews to collect data.
Video: 5 minutes
In order to complete a quality research study, you need to know how to find and use relevant literature, and ethically incorporate these into your study.
Most PG scholars do not know the extent of pre-writing needed before one can draft a coherent text for a reader. This video includes tips and suggestions from experienced supervisors and PG scholars.
Video: 9 minutes
PG scholars often battle to draw on other people’s texts in ways that demonstrate mastery of the field along with a strong authorial voice. A reading journal is a useful translation device to move from the texts of others to crafting a text of your own.
Video: 5 minutes
This video looks at keeping a diary during your research journey in which you note thoughts as they pop up, reflect on progress and set personal goals.
Video: 4 minutes
Two experienced supervisors look at the relationship between the research question and all subsequent methodological decisions.
Video: 9 minutes
Students are often unaware of the resources made available to them by the expensive databases that their libraries subscribe to. This short video stresses the importance of sorting out off-campus access to such databases. It also shows the difference between Google Scholar for ordinary people and the many resources offered by Google Scholar if you access it via your library.
Video: 4 minutes
What is an Honours Degree? What is expected of me? How long should it take? These questions are all answered in various national policies, which are illustrated here in one beautiful poster.
Wall Poster: Can be printed in any size.
What is a Master’s Degree? What is expected of me? How long should it take? These questions are all answered in various national policies, which are illustrated here in one beautiful poster.
Wall Poster: Can be printed in any size.
What is a Doctorate? What is expected of me? How long should it take? These questions are all answered in various national policies, which are illustrated here in one beautiful poster.
Wall Poster: Can be printed in any size.
What is a PG Dip? What is expected of me? How long should it take? These questions are all answered in various national policies, which are illustrated here in one beautiful poster.
Wall Poster: Can be printed in any size.
South African Higher Education still relies on the one-on-one model of supervision as the dominant approach. In this video, PG scholars who are part of project teams and doctoral programmes reflect on what this offers them.
Video: 9 minutes
Disseminating your research in the form of journal articles is very desirable but it isn’t a simple task of summarizing the work. This video shows how to move from a lengthy thesis to a stand-alone argument for a journal article or book chapter.
Video: 5 minutes
This series of videos emerges from the Enhancing Quality Postgraduate Education project, which brings together Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Directors of Research
Video: 6 minutes
This brief tutorial defines “predatory journals” and their major characteristics. It provides information to help novice academics to avoid this trap.
The postgraduate journey is a project – and projects need to be managed effectively in order for them to be completed on time. This video outlines project management principles that apply to managing postgraduate studies.
In this video, the focus is on how the purpose of postgraduate education. There are a number of private and public goods associated with postgraduate study
This brief PowerPoint presentation with voice over describes how to read journal articles and collating information using the rhetorical moves approach.
This audio and transcript offer a means of assessing how much reading is enough for postgraduate studies. It looks at the hours that should be spent reading and the purpose of reading. The transcript also offers links to a number of other resources.
The relationship between methodology, methods and theory is often confusing. This short video explains what each is and how they relate to each other.
Video: 4 minutes
What is a research framework? This short video discusses conceptual, theoretical and analytical frameworks and how these can coherently form a structure for your study.
Video: 4 minutes
This brief power point presentation with voice over explains Research Identity and Conceptualization. The presentation is segmented into three (3) lecture series.
Getting reviews on academic journal articles can be hard. This video looks at how to manage getting both good and bad feedback and how to engage with the editor around required revisions.
Video: 5 minutes
What are the ethical issues that underpin our research decisions? This video looks back at the emergence of scientific method to raise a few considerations in this regard.
Video: 9 minutes
This three-part series of videos looks at all the issues you need to take into account when selecting a journal.
Part 1: Pressure to publish
This 6-minute video looks at some of the consequences of the pressure to publish.
Part 2: Accredited and open access journals
This 10-minute video looks at all the issues an academic author should take into account when selecting a journal – including what journals are accredited for funding in the SA system and information about open access.
Part 3: Predatory publications
This 5-minute video looks at the rise of predatory publication and cautions us to join a vibrant intellectual conversation rather than waste our research on publications that won’t be read.
We spend hours and hours at our computers when we’re busy with research. But we rarely consider how best to set up our physical and digital workspaces. This video suggests a few issues to take into account.
Video: 9 minutes
This video looks at the impetus to consider social justice issues in our research design. The video takes the form of a workshop with a number of questions with time for you to respond. Can be done individually or in a group.
Video: 20 minutes
The transition from UG to PG can be challenging. Here students in STEM fields reflect on project management and planning.
Video: 10 minutes
This booklet includes practical advice and guidance on developing postgraduate writing. A very useful resource with lots of tasks.
Booklet with activities.
This series of videos emerges from the Enhancing Quality Postgraduate Education project, which brings together Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Directors of Research
Video: 4 minutes
This video provides an introductory overview of ethical considerations when working with human participants.
Video: 4 minutes
This material leads you in an interactive way through the examination process. A varied range of interactive exercises, resource texts, videos and real life examples stimulates supervisors and graduate students to think about their tasks and roles.
This video by an experienced supervisor looks at what needs to be done before your final thesis is submitted.
Video: 9 minutes
There is increasing emphasis on the ways in which PG education can provide skills beyond the specific study. This short video looks at what skills PG scholars have developed.
Video: 5 minutes
Turnitin is a popular tool amongst PG scholars and supervisors – but it is often misunderstood and this can have disastrous results!
Video: 10 minutes
PG scholars are told that they need to have a coherent argument across their thesis – but what does this really mean and how is it developed?
Video: 10 minutes
This series of videos emerges from the Enhancing Quality Postgraduate Education project, which brings together Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Directors of Research
Video: 3 minutes
Postgraduate scholars are expected to work with theory and complex concepts in multiple ways – and these all need to align in a coherent manner. This video considers the role of theory in the contextual framing, the conceptual framing and the methodological framing of the study.
Video: 7 minutes
Every thesis has to make a contribution at the boundaries of the field. Can you state in just a sentence what the contribution of your study is?
This interactive, on-line training resource provides free research ethics training with a specific focus on the capacity building needs of African countries. The seven training modules cover various ethical dilemmas. Materials developed by the Training and Resources in Research Ethics Evaluation consortium.
Many students delay or end up avoiding post graduate studies, often due to misperceptions on what the process entails. This video captures students in this predicament.
This 6 part video series provides an in-depth explanation of how to use the free Mendeley reference manager effectively during your research process. With this application you can integrate all your literature into one platform that can be accessed on any device, anywhere and anytime, allowing you to stay organised.
Research Questions guide many aspects of our work. They can help us to decide what literature to read, what data to collect and what kinds of theories to draw on to inform our understandings.
Video: 8 minutes
Plagiarism happens along a continuum from intentional to unintentional. Learning how referencing is used to build claims can help to prevent unintentional plagiarism.
Video: 6.5 minutes
Increasingly researchers are expected to state their considerations on positionality in their research design and ethical clearance processes.
Video: 23 minutes
Students are often told that their studies have to be underpinned by theory but we very rarely point out what theory is. This short video provides an accessible understanding.
Video: 4 minutes
Supervisors often make assumptions about what their students are able to do – that undergraduate learning should have prepared them for postgraduate studies. This presentation challenges that view and calls supervisors to reflect on their assumptions.
This narrated Prezi deals with a stumbling block for many postgraduate students: the dreaded literature review section. The presenter discusses what a postgraduate literature review should be, and how to read and write strategically to create a literature review section that provides a strong argument for the relevant context of your study.