Selecting a Journal for your publication EPE

Selecting a Journal for your publication

This three-part series of videos looks at a number of crucial issues to take into account when selecting the journal for your academic publication. The first video looks at where the pressure to publish comes from. It argues that this pressure can lead us to think that the end goal is ‘getting published’. This then has negative consequences for quality and collaboration. The video argues that we should rather be thinking about publishing as joining a conversation and making a contribution to knowledge. In the second video, key issues that an author needs to take into account when selecting a journal are considered. From readership, to citation indices and more, the video outlines a number of concerns; in particular, this video engages with the debates around open access publishing and spells out what ‘counts’ as an accredited journal article for subsidy purposes. The final video reflects on the rise of predatory publications. The video spells out how we can spot predatory publications but also reminds the viewer that if we focus on contributing knowledge within an existing conversation in the field, we are less likely to be caught in such scams.

Developed by Professor Sioux McKenna, Director Centre for Postgraduate Studies, Rhodes University.

Who might find this useful?

These three videos will be of use to postgraduate scholars and supervisors and to any academics embarking on publication. It can be viewed independently or could be used within a workshop or short course on academic publishing.

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